sábado, 21 de enero de 2017



                Ocelote (Carlos) was born in Madrid, Spain on June 15th, 1990. Ocelote was a notable World of        Warcraft player but then he started playing League of Legends during the beta stages, but took a      break until October of 2010 to finish his studies at school. He played for the Dimegio clan before        moving to SK Gaming.
                 Finally on december 31st of 2013 he left SK gaming and Carlos founded and currently manages
     G2 e-Sports, which has grown to be one of the premier esports clubs in the world in just two              years  time.
                I've never seen him play but as he is the creator of my favorite team I put it, and according to I see      ocelote is known for his Cassiopeia.
Resultado de imagen de ocelote lol

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